1999 Holiday Poem

T’was a night in November, when all through the house,
The computer was whirring, my hand on a mouse.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Pokemon danced in their heads.

We were thinking about all the things to be done,
Thanksgiving was over, more Holidays to come.
Our lives are so busy, it’s hard to keep in touch,
With the family and friends that we love so much.

The Bianco’s of Montville are doing quite well,
The family is happy and healthy, but there is more we can tell.

Rebecca is pretty and in 4th grade she’s smart,
More important, though, she has a good heart.
She loves ice skating, skiing, and with her friends playing,
She is an overall good kid, we don’t mind saying.

Julia is in Kindergarten and is five years old,
Her red curly hair is like Annie we’re told.
She loves swimming with Grandma in her pool,
And playing with Becky and friends from school.

As for Mike, he is still in love with his car,
A good thing since his office has moved – and it’s far!
He plays with his computer, surfing the net,
Answering computer questions from everyone that he’s met.

And Caren remains obsessed with piano, you see,
And busy with kids, work and bad poetry.
She says that being busy is great,
Except that she’s always staying up way too late!

The new millenium is challenging people in IT – it’s not fair,
Mike has to work the New Year in Rensellaer.
But one good thing can be said for MetLife,
They are letting employees bring their kids and a wife.

We hope that you enjoy each and every day,
Before we know it we will be in Y2K!
We expect that the new millenium will be bright,
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!