2000 Holiday Poem

T’was a night in November, when all through the house,
The computer was whirring, my hand on a mouse,
The children were nestled all snug in their bed,
While we tried to figure out whether Bush or Gore led.

Well this year has been something! Especially the fall.
I’ve gotten little sleep, between politics and baseball,
We’ve been stocking up on caffeine and staying up late,
And even with all this, our family is doing great!

Becky is in fifth grade, and this year she graduates,
She loves reading, skiing, and having play dates.
Pokemon is over, now she’s into Harry Potter Book Four,
We’ve had to remind her that there is other good literature.

Becky studies very hard and is quite bright,
When she grows up, she wants to invent or maybe to write,
She has grown up so much, still you’ll be surprised to be told,
That last August, she turned ten years old!

Julia with her red curls is very sweet,
Although she has grown quite a bit, I’d still say she’s petite,
In first grade, Julia is learning to do math and read books,
This way she’ll have more to rely on than personality and good looks.

Julia takes gymnastics and Brownies, but the thing she likes best,
Is horsing around with her Daddy – he never gets a rest!

And as for Mike, he’s been busy learning new skills at Met,
He has switched from e-mail to web-sites – a challenge, you bet!
This past year he has gotten into riding his bike,
It’s so cute to see Julia trailing right behind Mike!

This year we are planning to vacation and ski,
In Vermont, and in Colorado – we’ll steer clear of each tree!

Caren is still as busy as can be.
Continuing the tradition of bad holiday poetry,
Playing piano, Girl Scouts, and being a mom,
Now we are planning a web site at CarenandMike.com!

With everyone so busy, we’ve gotten quite lax,
In keeping in touch. So please phone, mail or fax,
We would love to hear from you, so when you have the time,
Give us a call, but don’t expect us to rhyme!