2002 Holiday Poem

T’was a fourth year, when all through the house,
The computer was whirring, my hand on a mouse,
I was trying to compose a poem for the holiday,
So we can tell you that we’re doing OK.

This year in particular, we’ve come to appreciate,
How important it is to communicate,
Say hello, share a laugh and keep in touch,
With the family and friends that we love so much.

Becky has grown a lot, as you can see,
Pretty soon she will be bigger than me.
She loves to play on her computer and read,
And her grades in school are terrific, indeed!

Becky went to sleep-away camp for the month of July,
She sent us emails when she wanted to say Hi,
Just the same, she was pretty homesick, and she said,
“I miss family & friends, but most of all my shower and bed!”

The girls are taking kid’s courses at Montclair State,
So on Saturdays we leave home at a quarter past eight,
Becky likes Historical Murders and Mystery,
But dislikes being the only girl taking Rocketry.
At Montclair, Julia enjoys classes in philosophy and math,
We wonder what will be her career path.

Julia loves to watch TV and read, but what she loves best,
Is play-dates and sleep-overs–getting no rest.
Julia is very huggable and sweet,
She dressed up as a tree to go Trick-or-Treat.

During the summer Mike hardly saw the kids and wife,
Because he was working tons of over-time at MetLife,
But in August we got to spend time together,
As we took a cruise of the Caribbean amid perfect weather.

Mike and I rode 45 miles in the NYC five boro bike tour,
We were in such great shape that our legs never got sore,
So in October, we did a 65-mile ride around NYC,
Blasting through the Lincoln Tunnel & back over the GWB.

As for me, I turned forty this year,
I had a mid-life crisis, I fear,
So I went out and decided to walk for 60 mile,
Raising $8,000 for breast cancer all the while.

The Walk kept me very busy, training,
And during the Walk it was constantly raining,
As you may know, we only got to go for one day,
But collectively we raised nine million dollars, anyway.
We hope soon to be able to cure this dreadful disease,
So that we won’t lose anymore loved ones, please.

We hope that you enjoyed our update poem,
And would love to hear from you soon – via email or phone.

Happy Holidays to All!
Caren, Mike, Becky and Julia

Dedicated to Ines Bianco – 1933-2002
You will be in our hearts always…