2003 Holiday Poem

T’was another November when all through the house,
The computer was whirring, my hand on a mouse,
Time to think of a new poem for the fifth year in a row,
It’s hard to keep updating in rhyme, you know!

But once we get going, out comes the poetry,
With updates on our latest developments as you will see.
The Bianco’s of New Jersey continue to thrive,
So here comes Poem Number Five!

There is one thing for us that could not be stranger,
When did we get old enough to have a teen-ager?!!!
Even though she’s 13, Becky remains friendly and nice,
Her room’s a disaster, but that’s her only vice.

Becky works very hard at everything that she does,
Although she has the math gene, it’s writing she loves.
Last summer, Becky spent six weeks at Wellesley College away,
She took a few courses, but mostly just had fun every day.

This year we had Becky’s Bat Mitzvah service and celebration,
It was lots of fun, even with all the preparation.
We were very proud of how well Becky did,
Especially since she’s a pretty quiet kid.
Just when we were done with the anticipation and wait,
The Temple gave us 10/6/07 as Julia’s Bat Mitzvah date!

Julia is in fourth grade now and is very cute,
She takes chorus and plays viola and flute,
In addition, she enjoys being a Girl Scout,
And playing with her friends, running about.

This year Julia learned how to ride her bike,
She even rode on a ten-mile trek with Mike.
She loves to watch Sponge Bob on TV,
But she also loves to read books, by herself or with me.
Julia is very picky about what she will eat,
I guess that’s why she continues to be quite petite.

As for Mike, he now cycles far and wide,
He even rode a century – that’s a 100 mile ride!
He is into fitness and keeping up with him is tough,
You see he is in such great shape and looks quite buff!
He still loves playing with kids and goofing around,
And he’s a great guy to have around the kitchen, I’ve found.

In June we visited the Land of the Midnight Sun,
We flew right into the heart of Alaska and had great fun.
We were there when there was just about total sunlight,
It is quite strange to go a week without experiencing night!
It was really cool to get that close to nature all free and loose,
Riding our bikes we came face to face with a bull moose!

As for me, I cannot add anything that you have not heard before,
I still love balancing family and work – can I say any more?
I continue to be busy with Scouts, piano, and trying to stay fit.
I’ve even found time to do some yoga, needlepoint and knit.

Well that’s about it for us this year,
It’s hard to keep in touch with everyone, I fear.
So please say hello, we would love to hear from you,
By phone, e-mail or by poem, prose is fine too!

Happy Holidays!
Caren, Mike, Becky and Julia Bianco