2005 Holiday Poem

T’was a night near Thanksgiving when I was sitting at home,
Thinking of what to write in our seventh annual Holiday poem,
It’s time to give our favorite friends and family an update,
Of all of the things that we have been up to of late.
Another year has gone by and the Bianco’s continue to do well,
We have been very busy and we have much to tell.

Becky is a sophomore in Montville High School this year,
Last summer she went to Oxford to study Shakespeare,
Becky joined ten school clubs and does a ton of work,
Most of her teachers are great, although one’s a bit of a jerk,
Clubs, mentoring and volunteering keep her day quite crazy,
With all that she does, nobody would ever call her lazy.

Julia started middle school and is now in sixth grade,
Though doing quite well, she misses grade school, I’m afraid.
Julia loves playing with friends, reading and watching TV,
On Sundays at Montclair, she studies Medieval History.
For Halloween, Julia dressed up as a traffic light,
She lit up the streets while trick-or-treating at night.

Mike’s in great shape and continues to be a cycling geek,
He’s happiest if he can get out riding a few times a week,
We bought a tandem, matching jerseys, and we ride quite fast,
We look pretty strange, but we are having a blast!
With so much gear, it’s hard to keep our inventory straight,
I thought we had 7 bikes, but Mike corrected me—it’s 8!

Becky joined me for a 62 mile ride amid a clear blue sky,
We especially liked the rest stops’ candy and apple pie.
Over the summer, while the girls went to camp and the UK,
Mike and I cycled the Finger Lakes – it was fun to be away.
We rode together about 800 miles in the year past,
And they said that the honeymoon would never last!

Mike’s job has moved 15 miles further to Somerset,
So now he drives 40 miles each way to get to Met,
Books on tape make the ride more bearable, it’s true,
As Mike racks up miles on his BMW.
I bought a cool car – an Audi A4 – in silvery gray,
Now to save miles, Mike plans to take the minivan each day!

In January I joined Celanese, a client, and started a new career,
It’s been fun and challenging learning investments this year.
However, my job will be moving to Dallas next spring,
I look forward to the adventure that another new job will bring!
I continue to be challenged finding the time,
To do everything that I want while still in my prime.

We hope that you enjoyed our family news,
We would love to hear from all of you’s.
(OK, so I am getting pretty tired of writing in rhyme,
Do I have to be grammatically correct all of the time?)

Happy Holidays!
The Bianco’s