2006 Holiday Poem

‘Twas a night in November when all through the house,
The computer was whirring, my hand on the mouse,
Time to write and rhyme to provide an update,
Of what we’ve been up to, so here’s poem number eight!
As you can imagine, we’ve been busy in the year past,
It’s amazing that ’06 has gone by so fast!

Becky at Montville High School is in her junior year,
Her clubs and studies keep her sleep deprived, I fear.
There is one other thing for which we are not quite ready―
Becky has a boyfriend, and they’re going steady!

Becky’s also looking at colleges to see which is a good fit,
And beware for she has just earned her driving permit!
She spent last summer studying Latin at Stanford U.,
Her A+ beat out the grad students, it’s true!

Julia in 7th grade is now twelve years old,
She is friendly and sweet, with a heart of gold.
She can be quite picky when it comes to foods,
And being a pre-teen, she has her “attitudes”.
But Julia has her own sense of self and style,
And one thing’s for sure, she always wears a smile!

Julia loves to read books and lounge around so,
That she is our own little couch potato!
Just the same, her high grades tell us that there,
Are brains under that mop of curly, red hair!

Mike and the girls are learning to fence,
Swords in their hands can make anyone tense!
Mike still loves to go for many a bike ride,
Whether solo or with us along by his side.

With Julia at camp and Becky out West,
Last summer we roosted over an empty nest.
It was strange having both of the girls away,
Strange, but quite nice, we would have to say.

This year has been quite hectic for me,
Holding jobs at Celanese and then PwC.
My new job is Director of Investments,
Keeping track of five billion dollars and some cents.

With my new job, I commute to New York every day.
I manage to nap on my bus rides each way.
I guess that it’s pretty ironic and funny,
That I haven’t had time to manage our own money!

Now that our Holiday poem nears its end,
We want to remind both family and friends,
To please give us a call or write us a letter,
An invitation to get together would be even better!

Happy Holidays!
Caren, Mike, Becky and Julia