2008 Holiday Poem

Can You Believe It Is Poem Number Ten?

T’was a night in November, when all through the house,
I was sitting with my laptop, my hand on a mouse.
Another year has passed so quickly again,
It’s now time for an update with Poem Number Ten!

Between the election and the economy,
There’s a lot going on in the world, you see.
It seems we are living under that old Chinese curse,
To live in “interesting times”; though it could be worse.
While the stock market crash has diminished our wealth,
We are very thankful that we still have our health.

This year has been busy for the Bianco family,
With two graduations and Becky at MIT.
Mike dropped Becky off at school with nary a tear,
But, it does feel weird with only three of us here.
Now the house can be a disaster, totally and complete,
But Becky’s room ironically remains organized and neat!

Julia is a High School freshman and at 14 is quite busy,
She’s does Girl Scouts, mentors and Forensics — that’s speech, you see.
Julia went to the Toy Challenge National competition.
And with her team, she won an Honorable Mention.
Julia also earned her Girl Scout Silver Award with Troop 1868,
Collecting books and toys for children in hospitals, how great!

Julia spent three weeks at camp in Wellesley last July,
She made lots of friends, with the time just flying by.
Julia’s a Facebook addict, always keeping in touch.
I now have a Facebook account, but I don’t use it much.
Becky is loving college and living in Boston,
While school’s quite hard, she still finds time to have fun.

Last summer we vacationed in Austria on bike,
She enjoyed touring and eating “schlagobers*”, with Mike.
We got lost a lot, but never as bad as on the last day,
When we rode to Vienna, map upside-down all the way.

Becky and I walked for breast cancer, trucking MANY a mile,
We had fun walking, but it was still quite a trial.
We got caught in a surprise storm, getting wet and cold,
For two Girl Scouts, we were quite unprepared, I am told.
Becky appreciates how hard a marathon must be,
I hope to walk with her again, perhaps in a new city.

Mike’s been a political junkie with the recent election,
He’s happy the country is moving in a new direction,
I fear that now that the presidential election is done,
Mike will go through withdrawal until the next one’s begun.

As for me, things seem crazier each and every day,
Managing money has been a challenge, I must say.
But I still find time to do the things that I like,
Like reading, playing piano and riding with Mike.

Well we could certainly tell you more,
But we are running out of paper and don’t want to bore,
We would love to hear back from all of you,
Please keep in touch and tell us what’s new.

The Bianco’s

* German for Whipped Cream.  We just like the word.