2010 Holiday Poem

T’was another November, the twelfth in a row,
I’m at it again with our annual update, you know.
The past twelve months have flown by so fast,
And so it’s now time to tell you about the year past.
Becky is now a junior at MIT,
She loves being a student, so much, you see,
That she wants to stay a fifth year for a masters degree.
She thinks she can do it practically for free!
Becky worked at France Telecom from May through August.
While she loved Paris, traveling in Europe was also a must.
She rented a studio flat near the Eiffel Tower,
And she walked around Paris many an hour.
Julia is in her junior year at Montville High,
She is smart and pretty, but we are worried — here’s why,
Julia just got her permit and is now learning to drive!
Stay clear of Northern NJ, if you want to stay alive!
In April, we hosted an Israeli girl named, Mai.
And Julia went to Israel for a few weeks in July,
In December, Julia is going back to Israel and I must tell,
That despite her world travels, she still won’t try hummus or falafel.
As for Mike and me, we biked, we hiked and we even bought cross country skis,
We bought a mountain bike tandem and now we ride around rocks and trees!
In the single track mountain bike trails, we have scaled some small log piles,
And on the road bike, in 2010 we rode over 2500 miles!
We have been so into spending the weekends exercising outdoors,
We have no time or energy to do our household chores.
In July Mike and I went on an adventurous vacation together,
Seing Becky in Paris and cycling the French countryside amid lovely weather.
We carried our clothes on the bike and found speaking French a challenge for sure,
But especially when the wine was pouring, we couldn’t ask for more!
 We were in Paris for Bastille Day and also the end of the Tour de France,
The cyclists rode in a pack so fast, we were not able to pick out Lance.
We don’t have much more to say,
Other than we hope that you have a wonderful Holiday.
Please keep in touch, we would love to hear what you are all up to,
And we won’t use any more poetry to bore (or perhaps awe?) you.