2011 Holiday Poem

T’was an afternoon in October, when I looked all about,
Snow was falling fast and the power was out.
With this wintery mess before Halloween,
It was just the time to begin Holiday Poem Number Thirteen.
This year has been interesting at best,
With earthquakes, hurricanes and floods giving us all a test.
So we’ll take this opportunity to let you know,
That the Bianco’s of Montville are well despite all this snow!
Becky is now a senior and will be graduating in June,
She just found a job and will be moving near us soon,
She’ll be working in the high tech industry,
As a software engineer at Google in New York City!
Between work and school, Becky has been pretty busy,
But she did find the time to go out West with Mike to ski.
She also produced the school musical — Jekyll & Hyde.
Her dedication to musical theatre cannot be denied.
In December, Becky will be travelling to Israel for free,
She’s going with Birthright and students from Harvard and MIT.
Julia is also a senior and will be graduating in June,
She’s applying to colleges and will fly from the nest soon.
Julia is a free spirit with her own independent thought,
When she grows up, she wants to be an astronaut.
So she would like to get an engineering degree,
She is also thinking of majoring in Chemistry.
Last summer, we had a taste of living alone,
As Julia travelled to many a different time zone.
She went to Europe, Panama, San Francisco and even outer space,
She commanded a mission at Space Camp to a satellite base.
We travelled with our Girl Scout troop to Switzerland,
We hiked, rapelled and zip lined among mountains quite grand.
Julia and I did the Avon Breast Cancer Walk this year,
We strolled in Santa Barbara with the Pacific Ocean near.
Mike and Julia have taken up rock climbing
at an indoor rock gym,
When Julia goes away to college,
Mike would like me to rock climb with him.
As you know a tandem is where
you’ll usually find me and Mike.
This year we dipped into the savings
and bought a new tandem bike.
This bike is sleek, fast and rides like a skiff on smooth waters,
We’re embarrassed to say that
we now have more tandems than daughters!
We hope you enjoyed this year’s update,
And are doing well with the weather challenges of late.
Please drop us a note or give us a call,
Before we get the plague of locusts that is surely to fall!