2014 Holiday Poem

T’was a bleak and rainy November day,
Halloween over, Thanksgiving a few weeks away.
I thought briefly about spending the day lazing in bed,
But decided to get up and write a poem instead.
Another year has passed by so quickly,
With news of Ebola making people quite sickly,
And the turmoil in the “old country” of the Ukraine,
Reminds us that the world can be quite insane!
But the Bianco’s continue to take it in stride,
And savor life as an adventurous ride.
As many of you know, Becky and John recently wed,
So goodbye to Bianco, the name is Hedditch – instead.
They live in Sydney and continue to work at Google, each day.
We wish them happiness and success together in every way.
While we are a bit bummed that Becky and John live so far from here,
We text, email and video chat, and will visit this year.
We are excited to spend the Holidays Down Under, but we dread the long flight,
Think of us at 8 AM New Year’s eve morning, when, for us it will be midnight!
Julia is now a junior and continues to love school, work and more,
She likes to write and is now the school paper’s News Editor,
Last summer, she lucked out with a Comedy Central job in NYC,
It was nice having her home where her food and rent were free.
Julia keeps herself pretty busy at Case Western U,
She takes hot yoga and volunteers on the theater stage crew,
She also loves to be creative and crochet,
Adorable animals and cancer patient hats to give away.
She continues to double major in Cognitive and Poli-Scis,
With minors in English and writing.  She’s busy – it’s no surprise!
We enjoyed the outdoors – hiking, biking and climbing rocks – Mike and me,
We even took a river boat cruise down the great Mississippi,
We did tons of riding – both on smooth roads and rough,
After our busy weekends, Monday mornings are tough!
I continue to work at PwC managing pension plan dough,
Mike’s been at MetLife for 35 years – where did the time go!
But his job’s moving to North Carolina next fall,
So, who knows, soon he may decide to not work at all!
So that’s our Holiday Poem for the sixteenth year in a row,
The more years I do this, you’d think my vocabulary would grow!
Each year my hope is that we will hear from you next.
In poetry or prose, a call, email or text.
But every time our old land line rings,
It’s a telemarketer trying to sell us things.
So please break that trend before we disconnect the phone,
If you call late enough, you just might find us at home!