2015 Holiday Poem

T*was a day in October when alone in the house,
I sat at my computer, my hand on the mouse.
You see, we are empty nesters and it*s quiet at home,
Giving me free time to write our 17th Holiday Poem.
I sit here each year shocked at how fast the year has flown by,
Again it*s time to tell you what we are up to, or just say *Hi*.
The Biancos of Montville and Down Under are doing quite well,
And if you haven*t already heard, we have some great news to tell!
Becky and John moved to a bigger apartment, you see,
Because they are expecting a baby boy this January.
We are all excited to visit and hopefully be there for the birth,
We have heard that being grandparents is the best job on Earth!
As for other news from Becky and John, we don*t have too much to say.
Becky continues to be a Software Engineer at Google by day.
John has published his physics paper* on nuclear fusion as an energy source,
While we can*t follow a word of it, we are very proud of him, of course!
Julia is now a senior at Case Western Reserve U,
She is busy with the school newspaper where she heads Media and the Web, too.
She is also president of the student musical theater group,
And she even started an Etsy shop** that sells her crocheted emoji poop!
Last summer Julia worked at MTV News,
Writing articles * some had hundreds of thousands of internet views!
She continues to freelance for them to earn extra dough,
This may even turn into a full time job, you never know!
As for us, it*s the usual playing outdoors,
Riding our bike along the US east and west shores,
And in the winter, you can find us hiking or cross country skiing,
Or rock climbing, but mostly indoors, for the time being.
After nearly 36 years of working for MetLife,
Mike will be retiring and will live off support from the wife,
He*ll putter and tick things off of the *Honey Do* List,
He’ll be busy and his old job will not be missed.
As for me, I remain busy with work, cycling and I*ve been crafting a bit,
With a new baby on the way, there have been some tiny sweaters to knit.
Some days I*m surprised about how I manage to find the time,
Multi-tasking helps * and perhaps a little bit of caffeine and wine ?!
This time of year, always brings to mind how thankful we are,
For our family and friends * both near and far.
We hope that you are all well and as we have said before,
We would love to hear what you are up to and more!
** Julia’s Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmojiLand