2017 Holiday Poem

T’was a morning in November, when I said, oh my,
Another year has passed in the blink of an eye,
Leaving me with the task of penning a new rhyme,
To update you about us for the 19th time.

Our grandson, Arthur, is now nearly two,
He walks, talks and each day does something new.
He loves giving cuddles, hugs and kisses – so sweet,
Watching him play with his trains and cars is such a treat!
He’s a lot like his parents when it comes to loving books,
And he definitely inherited the gene for good looks!

While Arthur lives quite far, we did see him in both August and May,
As Becky took him on business trips and we babysat each day.
We even took him tandeming with a kiddie seat, and we three,
Rode 250 miles through Seattle and Silicon Valley!

We could not be more excited and happy to hear,
That Becky, John and Arthur are moving to Boston early next year.
Becky has transferred and will be working on the Google Flights Team,
While John hopes to continue his physics research and nuclear fusion dream.
We look forward to helping them move and settle into a new home,
It’s so exciting to have them in the same time zone!

So soon both of our daughters will be in Beantown, it’s true,
As Julia is pursuing a Masters of Science at BU.
She hopes to someday write for a TV show,
She’s learning script writing and is quite talented, we know.

Julia has managed to turn her favorite pastime into her work, you see.
Her homework assignments generally involve watching TV.
Julia is also earning a bit of extra money to pay the rent,
Writing for a website named Looper covering entertainment.

As for us, we have been busier than ever, we are happy to tell,
Our first year with our business has gone very well.
We have scouted trips in the US, Europe and Lake Louise,
We ran four tours, and for the most part, it’s been a breeze.
We get along well making decisions and planning each trip,
But we can’t decide who’s the real boss in this partnership.
(It’s Caren.)

This past year we have also ridden over four thousand tandem miles,
But the most fun has been seeing our customers’ smiles.
But one major downside of all of this travel is that Mike and I’ve,
Been having trouble keeping our house plants alive!

So with all of our traveling, we probably aren’t at home,
And when we are home, we don’t tend to answer the phone.
But you could certainly try us on our cells or by email,
Just drop a note and we will get back to you, no fail!