2018 Holiday Poem

T’was a rainy morning in November – on Election Day,
I was sitting at my desk—after voting, by the way.
I recalled that it was time to write our twentieth update,
Of what the Biancos have been up to of late.
After a rough start to the year, we are happy to tell,
That we are all now doing quite well.

Becky, John and Arthur have moved back to the USA,
They bought a house around Boston. Hurray!
Becky is working on Flights dot Google dotcom,
And when she’s not working, she is busy being a Mom.
John has emigrated to the US and now,
He’s writing a paper about getting power from nuclear fusion somehow.

Arthur is almost three and is incredibly cute and sweet,
Living just a few hours away has been a great treat,
We love taking Arthur out with us on our bike,
Testing out playgrounds and ice cream wherever we like!
Arthur loves puzzles, trains, books and cars, although,
At two and a half, his favorite word has become “NO!”

Julia is finishing up her MS in LA,
And after she graduates, it looks like she will stay,
She is now interning at Funny or Die, so soon,
She hopes to get a job in a TV writing room.
LA is the place to be if you want to write for TV,
California seems close, at least compared to Sydney!
Julia spent last summer writing a novel, and now we all wish,
That she could find an agent to help her publish.

As for Mike and me, we do not feel retired,
Our cycling business continues to keep us inspired,
This year we cycled in New Zealand, Morocco, Holland, Canada and Israel,
Plus Arizona, Georgia, Virginia, Vermont and Massachusetts, as well.
Our business is doing amazing and we are happy to see,
That all of our tours are full for 2019, Whoopee!
However, we have been on the road so much we cherish our time at home,
Until wanderlust hits and it’s time to again roam*.

Well that’s all we have to say,
We would love to hear from you all in any way,
So regardless of your politics in this midterm election year,
Please call or email or perhaps stop over if we are still here.

*This urge appears to affect Caren before Mike.

This poem is dedicated to Judy Levitt.
August 25, 1930 – January 10, 2018