2019 Holiday Poem

T’was an afternoon in October around midday,
When I was sitting at my desk dreaming up what to say,
Reminiscing on rhyming about our family,
We started our verses in 1999, you see!

So much has happened in the last two decades, it’s true.
We raised two amazing daughters, and became grandparents, too.
But we also lost our parents, so there have been sad times as well.
That’s what happens with the passage of time, as far as I can tell.
So another year has gone by and we are happy to say,
That we’re doing quite well as our 21 st poem will portray.

Becky, John and Arthur are living near Boston, Mass,
Driving a Tesla, they visit without buying gas.
Becky’s still with Google, and is so busy with motherhood,
That she doesn’t get nearly the sleep that she should!
Yet despite a full life, she manages to do things that she likes,
Such as knitting, cooking, reading and going on hikes.

John now has investors to fund his start-up dream.
He is busy setting up a lab and hiring a team,
He is lead physicist in a firm called Switchgear,
He hopes to see results perhaps by next year.

It’s hard to believe that sweet Arthur is nearly four!
He loves all things that move – trains, cars, bikes, planes and more!
He is beginning to learn to play piano and swim,
And of course we love to ride the tandem with him!

Julia got her MS from BU,
She’s living in LA full time, it’s true.
She works at a comedy management firm,
And has friends and a life there, so I think it’s long-term.
Julia was sick in the spring, but is now much improved.
Since, in June she had her tonsils removed.
She takes improv classes in her spare time,
And joined a local gym to indoor rock climb.

We continue to be incredibly busy, Mike and me,
As we have just completed a great AIT* year three.
We have been travelling all over and running our trips**.

And enjoying our time at home in one or two week clips.
Our friends laugh when we say how hard it is,
To run our tandem travel biz.
So I sit back now and marvel at how many years have quickly passed,
Boy didn’t 2019 fly by so fast?!!!
We consider ourselves so very lucky that life has given us so much,
And it would be even better if we kept in touch!