2020 Holiday Poem

T’was a day in October, with another big election this fall,
I was thinking about this year’s challenges large and small.
Reminiscing about life before the COVID pandemic disease,
When you could travel and meet up with folks as much as you please.
This year has been interesting as the Chinese proverb/curse states, so I fear,
You must wonder how the Biancos of Montville are faring this year.

We are doing okay…
We continue to be healthy each day.
At four and a half, Arthur is as adorable as can be,
Last summer we took him on our triplet bike made for three,
We rode to parks, ice cream shops and even a petting zoo,
It’s really fun on the triplet with Arthur pedaling too!

Arthur loves to play with cars, especially if they are red.
He enjoys reading by himself when he should go to bed.
He helps in the garden where each veggie thrives,
But beware as he is known to sneakily eat the chives!

Becky is still working at Google and for much of the year,
She has worked from home, watching Arthur, the dear!
But in between all of that, she has had a bit of time,
To enjoy baking, knitting, hiking and a good glass of wine!
Beware, when Becky and John come to visit, though,
They come complete with a starter for fresh sour dough!

Julia & Josh’s holiday card

Julia lives in LA and loves to read, play with her kitty and bake,
She’s mastered French macarons and the most sublime cupcake.
She adopted a cat, named her S’more, and it’s hard to believe that “smore.b”,
Has followers on Instagram that number 963!
Julia recently was offered a job that she could not pass,
As assistant show runner for the reboot of Head of the Class!

Our business has been slow this year due to the coronavirus,
So we have gotten to relax and pursue things that inspire us.
This year we have postponed five tours, but were able to run one,
Traveling to Hawaii in February – what fun!
We were also able to scout future tours in Chile and Maine,
But since March we have avoided traveling by plane.

We have been tandem cycling A LOT for sure!
We expect to ride 6000 miles this year, perhaps more.
In the meantime, we are looking forward to running tours again soon,
Socially distanced and wearing masks, until we are all immune.
We can’t wait until we can see the end of Covid-19,
And are counting the days until we can get a vaccine!

We hope that you are all staying healthy and well,
With good lungs and your complete senses of taste and smell.
We would love to hear back from you in the months next,
Perhaps not in person, but by phone, email or text!

Happy Holidays!

The Biancos