2021 Holiday Poem

T’was a morning in autumn with a chill in the air.
As I penned our update with the utmost of care.
This year has been a challenge trying not to get sick,
We are sure tired of this never-ending pandemic!
Yet despite all of this, the year passed quickly for sure.
As the Biancos are well and we want to tell you more…
We have a new grandchild – Ivy was born in late June!
Having a boy and a girl grandchild is a nice boon.
Ivy is sweet with saucer eyes of blue,
Her smiles can light up a room, it is true.
Arthur started Kindergarten and also takes martial arts,
But his favorite thing to do is to play with Lego parts.
He also loves being baby Ivy’s big bro,
Especially the big brother gifts, as we all know.
Arthur loves his sister and we think that it is cool,
That he writes her name beside his on projects at school.

Rebecca continues to work at Google – still from home,
She likes to cook, read and take Ivy on many a long roam.
John’s physics research project is almost done,
He likes to spend time with the kids and is known to go for a run.
As for Julia, she lives with her boyfriend Josh and two cats in LA,
In her spare time she loves to read, bake and crochet.
Julia finished work on Season 1 of Head of the Class, so she can relax.
Now she hopes that it will be renewed at HBO Max.
In the meantime, she’s in between jobs and freelancing a bit,
She even baked cake pops to sell, which were quite a hit.
Mike keeps busy puttering and listening to many a podcast,
On most days you can find him climbing or riding with me fast.
As for me, I’m saving time, hassle and money in a new way,
I’ve stopped coloring my hair, so it’s going a bit gray.
Nobody tells you when you start to color your top,
What a pain in the ass it is when you want to stop!
Covid made us replace our tours in France and Spain,
With great trips along the coasts of Virginia and Maine.
We ran seven tours this year, making it our biggest year yet,
Are we a bit tired? For sure, you bet!!!
We spent last winter in Tucson, renting a house with a view.
Where we enjoyed biking, hiking and rock climbing, too.
We loved it so much, we bought our own pied-a-terre,
We are now snow birds, returning to Tucson each year.
So this is what we have been up to of late,
What wonderful things do you have on your plate?
Please reach out to us – we would love to hear from you.
Before we know it, it will be 2022!

Happy Holidays!

The Biancos