2022 Holiday Poem

T’was an afternoon in October of Twenty Twenty Two,
I’m at my desk thinking of a poem to send to you.
Giving you an update with Poem Number 24,
Telling you one or two things or perhaps a bit more.

This year has had some challenges with the pandemic, you see.
We have all gotten COVID, except for Arthur and me,
Yet despite this plague, the family continues to do well.
But there is more in this poem that we would like to tell.

Rebecca, John, Arthur and Ivy are living in Arlington,
They are always quite busy and have a lot of fun,
Arthur loves to ride his new bike and take Martial Arts,
He is six, and in first grade, he is showing his smarts.
But Arthur’s favorite pastime is to build with Legos,
I think he will be an engineer someday, but who knows?

Ivy will be a year and a half on Christmas Day,
She loves to follow her big brother looking to play.
She likes to climb up slides with a smile and a squeal.
And the kid can polish off five bananas in one meal!

As for Rebecca and John, they are a couple of busy bees,
With work and the kids, it’s hard for them to find any time free.
But John managed to take five weeks off, and it’s a wonder,
That he took Arthur to see family in the Land Down Under.
And Rebecca’s work week is now four days, so she can indeed,
Have some time to take the kids to the park, cook, hike or read.

Julia lives with her boyfriend, Josh, and two cats in LA,
She works on the movie version of the Wicked play,
and also on a dramedy that will someday air on TV.
In her spare time she is writing a pilot and bakes a lot, you see!
While we miss her and only get to see Julia a couple of times a year,
We hope to spend more time with her in Tucson since we will be near.

As for us we had a busy year – running a bike rally and tours totaling eight,
We led tandem tours on four continents1 and they all were great!
But now we’re glad to take a bit of a break and we will be free,
To hike, bike, climb and bask in the sunshine of Oro Valley.

This year we bought two new cars and a fancy new bike,
And a new house2 too! Lots of changes for Caren and Mike!
With all of these purchases, you might say that we,
Are doing our part to bolster the economy!

We hope that you are healthy and staying away from the virus,
We would love to hear from you via call, text or old-fashioned papyrus.

Happy Holidays!

The Biancos

1We ran tours in Chile, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Prince Edward Island (twice) and Morocco. We also ran the Eastern Tandem Rally which was a weekend with nearly 300 participants. And we scouted a tour in Vermont. A busy year indeed!

2Yes, we are moving! After 30 years, we are selling our NJ home and we’re moving to a new house in Tucson. For a short while, we’ll own three houses, but hopefully that will be down to one soon. Our main residence is now:

13518 N Trailing Indigo Court

Oro Valley, Arizona 85755

We will live there roughly from November through May. We will be on the East Coast from June – October. We will be looking to rent or buy something small in the Boston area.

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If you want to see what one of our tours is like, click here.