2023 Holiday Poem

T’was a sunny day around Halloween,
I was sitting at my computer screen,
Thinking about the craziness of the world today,
And how important it is that in touch we all stay,
So it’s time to show what we have been up to of late,
Through our 25th annual rhyming update*!

Our family continues to thrive,
Rebecca and John now are a family of five,
As John’s 16 year-old son, Jules, visited and stayed,
And is now in Arlington High School 11th grade.

Rebecca continues with Google, where her four-day work week is wise,
Since it gives her more time to be a mom, cook, read and even exercise.
John continues his physics start-up work of late.
And is in good spirits about its progress to date.

Arthur is seven and loves Legos and Martial Arts,
He is in second grade and is showing his smarts.
Ivy is a sassy toddler extraordinaire,
She is cute and sweet, except for at bedtime, beware!
Rebecca got a cat and named her Tiramisu, but that’s not her name now.
This little kitty is quite loud, so Ivy named her Meow.

We were able to take both kids out together on our triplet bike.
With Ivy in the kiddie seat, power came from Arthur, Caren and Mike.
When folks yelled “She’s not pedaling”, as they often do, you see,
This time, I figured that they were referring to Ivy and not me!

Julia and Josh are happy together living in LA,
Julia is working on the film version of the Wicked play.
During the writer’s strike, you could see Julia on the picket lines,
While still employed, she managed to make time to carry some signs.
She is a cat mom to Rigatoni Anthony and S’more,
And in June she joined us helping out on a tandem tour!

As for us, our year has been quite busy, I must confess,
We ran seven tours in Canada and the US.
And scouted a tour in Wisconsin – think cheese and beer,
But even without the business successes, it’s been quite a year!

In the spring, Mike had surgery on his back,
It was a huge success and he is back on track.
After adding titanium spacers and rods – complex surgery for sure!
He’s back to hiking, biking, climbing and more.

And we have sold our New Jersey house with all of its demands.
To spend time in Arizona and in Mass, near our grands.
We bought a second home three miles from Rebecca,
So Medford, Mass will be our new summer Mecca.

That’s our update after a quarter century of annual rhymes,
We hope that you enjoyed it during these turbulent times.
We are grateful for everything life has given us, it’s true.
But life would be even sweeter if we could hear from you!

Happy Holidays!
The Biancos

*Yes, this is the 25th poem!  All of our poems are on this website!

Our new main residence is 13518 N Trailing Indigo Court, Oro Valley, Arizona 85755. But if you are ever in the Boston area in the summer, please get in touch!